12 hours
Training Program:
- The importance of scientific research in terms of individuals and countries
- The role of scientific research in the evaluation of universities according to the international ranking system
- The current state of scientific research in Azerbaijan and our universities in international scientific markets
- Nuances to be considered in the publication of scientific research
- The structure of the article presented in the social sciences
- Selection of research topic
- Formation of the idea
- The structure of the study
- Reference systems (Harvard, APA, Chicago, IEEE, Vancouver, MLA)
- Ways of international cooperation
- Web of Science – Elmmetric use of the Clarivate database
- Effective use of sciencedirec database
- Effective use of Scopus databases
- Indexing systems and analysis of scientific journals of scientific journals
- CiteScore, Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports IF, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP):, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Systems
- Scimago Journal & Country Rank, analysis from journalmetrics.scopus system
- Standards of articles in scientific journals with impact factor
- Nuances to be considered in choosing a scientific journal
- The benefits of opening a profile in scientific research databases and its management for the individual and the university
- Effective use of Google Akademic, Researchgate, Academia.edu, Mendeley, SSRN, RePec and other similar scientific platforms
- Practical training in preparing a sample scientific article and sending it to a scientific journal relevant to the topic
- Practical training to open a profile in scientific research bases