15 hours
- Practical part and role of logistics in business processes
- Export Logistics problems of Azerbaijani product
- Determination of perspective product while exporting to outside market
- Logistical chain and logistic analysis ways of export potential of products
- Application of mathematical model for determination of products’ logistic distribution channel and sales channel (practical work)
- Potential haul of products or determination of sales zone (practical work)
- Issues related to determination of potential sales zones of products and business games.
- Synergetic profit during products export and determination of main logistic characteristics influencing it
- Customizing products for distribution logistics
- Packaging from your trademark, advantages and disadvantages of the user during labeling logistic operations, branding processes
- Practical work (Succeeding terms of brands)
- Selection of transportation type during product delivery (modal, intermodal, unimodal)
- Selection of transportation type (plane, railway, car, etc.) and movement in transportation logistics according to logistic characteristics of product
- Expenditure calculation in international transportations of products and selection of distribution (sales) channels according to expenditures
- Impact of selection of effective movement on efficiency of international transportation processes in transportation of products to international markets
- Incoterms rules